Meet the Trustees

Phil Hannaford
Phil is Chair of the Board of Trustees as Simeon, a role that he has had for three years.
Phil joined the Board four years ago. Phil is a retired academic from the University of Aberdeen, where he researched the safety of contraceptives and other medicines.
Phil was also involved in the management of the university for a period of time.
Phil enjoys reading, travelling, especially by train, films, theatre, opera, learning Spanish and looking after his 6 acres of woodland.

Lesley Mackay
For 12 years Lesley ran a business offering Dr Hauschka Holistic Face and Body Treatments. Like many other small businesses, Lesley retired following Covid-19.
In complete contrast, before raising a family, Lesley worked as an IT consultant for 13 years in various roles including: teaching, design, support, and project management.
Lesley’s mother became a resident at Simeon in 2010 and lived every day of her life for 3 caring years and so I am keen to see the ethos and integrity of Simeon continue.
Previously, Lesley held committee positions in other local charities namely: Aberdeen SANDS and Aberdeen Businesswomen’s Network.

Stephanie Newbatt
Stephanie has lived and worked in Camphill Communities in the United States and in Scotland since 1979.
Since 1989, Stephanie has lived in Cairnlee House, a Camphill community for young adults with complex support needs, situated just next door to Simeon. Stephanie and husband, David have raised their three sons here and has been involved in many aspects of caring for and working with young adults, including teaching textile weaving.
Stephanie was the registered manager of Cairnlee House between 2006 - 2021, but has now retired from this role.
For over 30 years Stephanie has watched Simeon House grow and develop, she has been involved both as a friend and colleague to its founders, as an active neighbour and, since 2012, as a willing contributor on its Board of Trustees.

Angelika Monteux
Angelika has lived and worked in the Camphill Schools Aberdeen since 1973 and is now retired. Her work has been in care, education, staff training and management.
Angelika became a Simeon Trustee when I was house coordinator in Cairnlee House some 30 years ago and tries her best I can to support the very important task of supporting people in finding meaning and dignity at the end of their lives.
Angelika enjoys music, gardening and walking and is very interested in meeting and learning about other cultures and their traditions.

Professor Norman Hutchinson
Norman joined the University of Aberdeen in January 1991 and was appointed Professor of Real Estate in 2004. A Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, he previously worked as a commercial surveyor in private practice in Aberdeen.
Norman’s research interests are in senior housing, and he is very conscious of the requirement to provide seniors with a choice of accommodation that is suitable for their needs.
He is keen to help and support those who live, work and visit Simeon House and seeks to encourage a warm, caring and encouraging environment.

Morven Considine
Professionally, Morven has spent nearly thirty years in a variety of roles within Aberdeenshire Council developing, managing and delivering adult learning opportunities before retiring in 2013.
During that time, Morven was also an Associate Assessor with HM Inspectorate of Education and chaired Aberdeenshire Literacies Partnership responsible for delivering the Scottish Government’s Adult Literacies Strategy.
Morven hopes to draw upon her professional experience along with the happy memories of her mother’s time as a Simeon resident and the exceptional care she received to help support the excellent work Simeon does in these challenging times.
Morven is also committed to developing understanding of and promoting Camphill’s ethos and values.
Morven is a wife, mother and grandmother and has been a Simeon trustee since November 2019.
Morven’s hobbies and interests include spending time with her family, especially her five grandchildren, travelling, reading, walking the dog, gardening and cooking.

Ian Sharp
Ian graduated from Aberdeen University in 1978, and soon after took a job as a mud logger in the fledgling oil & gas industry.
Ian continues to work part time, in the oil & gas industry which means he has enjoyed working in the UK, Norway, Indonesia, Denmark and was able to visit numerous other countries as his career developed.
For the last 15 years or so he has served on a number of boards, including a not-for-profit organisation, and latterly I have been a non-executive board Chair for two oil and gas companies.
Now, as well as working part time, Ian, and his wife both enjoy keeping fit, cycling and walking. Ian also spends as much time as he can in his home in Loire Valley, France.
Ian enjoys spending time with his son and daughter and their families as much as possible.
Having seen the wonderful care that his father enjoyed when he lived at Simeon, Ian recognised that by becoming a Simeon Trustee he would be able to help ensure the incredibly high standards of care enjoyed by residents are maintained and perhaps even improved on.